Each spring, Penn State Berks honors the talents and achievements of alumni and volunteers through three awards: Alumni Achievement Award, Volunteer Service Award and Outstanding Young Alumni Award.
Alumni Achievement Award
The Alumni Achievement Award is for a Penn State Berks alumnus or alumna that exemplifies leadership in his/her profession, contribution to the betterment of society, and to recognize them for their extraordinary professional and community accomplishments. The nominee for this award must be an alumnus of Penn State Berks. Award recipients are asked to return to campus and share their experience with students. Recipients of this award shall be graduates of Penn State Berks.
Volunteer Service Award
The Volunteer Service Award award is given to an individual who has represented the university and its mission and significantly contributed to fostering advancement at Penn State Berks by dedicating his or her talent, time, and resources on behalf of the Berks College.
Outstanding Young Alumni Award
The Outstanding Young Alumni Award recognizes an emerging alumni leader, under 35, who has extraordinary loyalty and service to Penn State Berks and has demonstrated outstanding professional, community and educational accomplishments. Recipients of this award shall be graduates of Penn State Berks.
All nomination forms due by February 1, 2025. Thank you for not sharing with the individual that you have nominated them for an award.
New this year: Submit your nomination via video! See form below to upload your video.